Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Wow. It's been awhile again. Sorry!

Ryan started school last week, and so far its going well. He made a 100% on his first paper. It was the only 100% in the class! I'm a very proud wife! :)

We also moved into our new place this weekend. We still have a long way to go before everything is unpacked and situated but it feels good to be there.

I started back up on Weight Watchers on Jan 4th and am down 8lbs so far. Ryan is being very supportive. When we meal plan, he always asks "is something you can eat?"

Other than that, our lives are fairly routine. And boring. And wonderful. :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Our lives have changed a LOT over the past year. Most of these changes were not easy ones, some were even devastating, but 2010 seems to be bringing GOOD changes! We move into our new apartment in just a couple of weeks, and we are excited to have our own space and our own stuff back. [Though words will never express how much I appreciate my Mom.] But, we've also gotten the ball rolling on another POSITIVE change! Ryan has decided to go back to school! Assuming everything falls into place in time, Ryan will be starting college on January 19th! I am SO proud of him and SO excited for this huge step toward improving our future. So, please say a prayer, cross your fingers, whatever it is you do, that everything comes together in the next week or so!